Masculinity & Sexual Harassment At Workplaces

Sexual harassment at work places is a grave concern. Places that are meant to make us feel safe and secure, sometimes become the breeding ground of harassing and discriminatory behavior. And this behavior usually flows from a power of position, mostly occupied by men, towards people in less powerful women, primarily women.
Our guest on this episode is Asiya Shervani, who is part of multiple POSH Committees and is an advisor on sexual harassment prevention.
Ashwin and Prateek take a look at what sexual harassment at work place means, how is it defined by law, what recourse is available through PoSH Committees to people who’ve faced such harassment and what can progressive enlightened leaders do to ensure that their organizations are free of sexual harassment. And what can we, as men, do to check our own behavior, as well as that of our other male colleagues and friends, and how do we become better allies.
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